LIVE WEBINAR: The Narcissistic Brain
A Presentation of BRAIN DOT COM Productions
Presenter: Dr Sarah Ullman
Date: Coming in March, 2019, Stay tuned!
Duration: 60 minutes
Price: $49
Bonuses: This webinar includes downloadable Worksheets and access to the private Community Forum.
Who Should Attend: This webinar is for a general audience with or without any science or psychological background, and is equally appropriate for those in the healthcare professions.
Materials Used: A diverse set of learning tools will be utilized that include video clips, animated slides, engaging (non-graded!) quizzes and polls, colorful downloadable Worksheets to accompany and enhance the webinar experience, as well as access to the private Community Forum long after the webinar has ended.
Description: This webinar focuses on a very specific psychological pathology called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and how NPD differentiates from narcissism, the later of which is not a disorder, and has little in common with NPD, despite the fact that the two are more often then not confused with one another. NPD is a serious psychological disorder that gets its roots from events that occur in early childhood. There is a specific set of psychological determinants that combine with a specific set of environmental and familial factors that produce the disorder. NPD causes long-term brain impairment in a highly specific part of the brain, that intrudes on nearly every aspect of an individual's life, and without targeted treatment, will continue to effect the individual and those in their inner circle, throughout their lifespan. NPD is referred to as a disorder of intimacy and attachment, and as a result, those with NPD are particularly affected in their relationships with intimate others. The specific areas of difficulty for those with the disorder include deep-rooted issues of abandonment, attachment, intimacy, and rejection. There is a subset of individuals with NPD that also have a sexual addiction, and while individuals with NPD do not necessarily have a sexual addiction, those that have a sexual addiction do have NPD.
Upon completion of this webinar you will learn:
- to recognize the psychological signs and symptoms of the disorder
- how NPD and narcissism differ
- how the developmental trajectory of the brain is highjacked in early development
- what areas of the brain are effected
- why some individual are susceptible, but others with similar childhoods are not effected
- what are the familial and environmental factors are that can lead to NPD
- whether or not its treatable, and if so, how
- the relation between NPD and sexual addiction for those that may have both
Presenter Info: With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Dr Ullman has been educating, researching, diagnosing and treating individuals, couples, groups, families, and first responders for trauma and addiction-based disorders for more than 30 years, and has devoted both her research efforts and clinical work to the diagnoses and treatment specific to disorders of arousal dysregulation. This population includes children and adults that have experienced early childhood trauma such as sexual abuse, neglect, and/or violence. Unfortunately and through no fault of their own, a great many of these children, unable to self-regulate their emotions secondary to their abuse, develop issues in adulthood such as substance (drug and alcohol) and process (sex, food, self-harm, gambling) addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), explosive uncontrollable anger, and personality distortions that may include Narcissistic (NPD) and Borderline (BPD) personality disorders.
In addition to teaching at various colleges and universities, Dr Ullman is an active emergency disaster responder for military and governmental agencies when disaster strikes, and maintains a private practice in the Philadelphia (mainline) Pennsylvania area of the United States. In addition to the local office, a considerable portion of her practice includes a national and international clientele via HIPAA/HITECH-compliant telemental health video web-therapy around the world.
Please join Dr Ullman for an exciting, entertaining, and educational 60-minute multimedia live webinar wherein you will learn about the impact of psychological trauma and how the brain is altered without ever having been physically touched. You will learn about these issues and more from one of the foremost Cognitive-Behavioral and neuroscience-based experts in the field of Complex Trauma (C-PTSD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Addiction from the clinician that has been researching, speaking, diagnosing, and treating those that have been impacted by psychological trauma for more than 30 years.
Everyone who signs up for this webinar will be sent a free replay, just in case you were unable to attend the live event.